Corniche apartments link bridge update

The Link bridge project between the Corniche apartment blocks – London, is progressing well, with a great team on site.  All plant and bespoke lifting equipment are supplied directly through RF Fixing Ltd.  Lift plans and RAMS are completed by our own site project managers/AP’s.  Watch our short video to see the team in action:



Update 27/11/17

All main soffit and side GRC stonework have been completed, with installers now in the process of fixing brackets and curved GRC to the column train track end.  All main stonework has been installed using a tower crane and bespoke lifting frame, and the smart lifter and stone sucker will be used for the column stone lifting.  The next phase will comprise of concrete laying onto the top of the sky bridge followed by installation of rain screen panelling to the steel side structure to form the walkway into block A.